15 April 2010


It was that time again; speed work. I really don't like it, but it does the trick. And I always feel much better after I complete it. It's just one of those things that hurts, but the results are really worth it. We ended up meeting at lunch time and the mileage for the entire workout totalled 7.5 miles including the warm up and cool down. The temperatures were already in the lower 80s. The workout consisted of a one mile warm up, which we ran from my running mates' office to a new road section in Research Park. We figured all school tracks would potentially be in use during the lunch hour, so we opted for a still closed stretch of road. James brought some chalk so we could mark the turn around points, etc. The training schedule I created called for seven 800m sprints, each followed by 400m recovery jogs/walks. At the end, we would do another one mile cool down back to the office. This workout is also called the Yasso 800s, which I explained in an earlier training log entry. It has all kinds of race related benefits. Aside from allowing you to become a faster runner (who doesn't like that), it also allows you to unscientifically predict your marathon pace. If you want to know more about that particular benefit, google "Yasso 800" and you will find your answer. Speed work in the mid day sun is so much fun. No, not really. But it gets you ready for those races during the hot summer days. Even better, speed work makes you a faster runner, no matter what your preferred race distance, from 5k to ultra distances. I sure am glad though that I did not have to do this workout by myself. There is nothing worse to me than doing hill work or speed work by yourself. While I don't mind doing long runs alone, I prefer company during those high intensity workouts. Hopefully, I am again another step closer to being a faster marathoner and ultra marathoner.

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  • Oak Barrel Half Marathon (Lynchburg, TN) - April 5, 2025
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